Beyond the Box

Throughout Los Angeles County, there’s a public art program beautifying cities by having artists paint electrical boxes.  Every few months there’s a new call for entries where artists must submit art to a jury to get selected to be able to paint one of these boxes.  One of my fiercest supporters, my mother-in-law Marilyn, convinced me to submit something… And I was accepted!  

Getting to paint this box was an amazing experience because it was outside of an apartment building during the summer.  So, needless to say, I had quite the audience watching.  But it also went beyond that.  Many people from the complex came out to talk to me, say thank you for making the electrical box beautiful, and to also bring me water and snacks.  

Sometimes, when the world seems grim, being an artist can seem like a trivial thing because you’re not out there literally saving lives like first responders.  But it’s important to remember that Quality of Life can’t be overlooked.  It’s not always enough to just exist.  The beauty and inspiration of ART are important because they bring joy and happiness to people.  And sometimes that can actually be the thing that turns someone’s bad day into a good day… and maybe even save their life.



